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Electric shock to break the automotive industry, "professional" bottleneck
Release time:2014.05.08 News source:Yuhuan TRV Throttle Body Co.,ltd,Throttle Body,Throttle Valve Browsing number:

Over the past decade , with the development of cloud computing , networking, mobile Internet and a new generation of information technology that merges the industrial manufacturing areas , are building a more intelligent flexible industrial production system , production and more convenient information transfer between demand led to the reconstruction and the emergence of new forms of industrial organization industrial chain . Among them, two- car networking as a typical application of the depth of integration , the traditional auto industry has been brought to the forefront of the industrial revolution , the global auto industry occurred disruptive change , but change is related to the main industrial information and communication industry has brought new development opportunities .

      According to the   Throttle Body Kero understand , in recent years , the rapid growth of the domestic car market led to the rapid development of auto parts industry , and the traditional auto parts store in the city and the cable operators are more confined areas , and "80" "90" the younger generation has become the main automobile consumption, they adapt to the spending habits of online shopping for auto parts survival and development of the electricity supplier provides the soil .

      Professionalism is the biggest bottleneck in its development. For example , the same model of car parts production when it 's not the same as the corresponding parts is not the same , which requires access to a large number of platforms in order to correctly choose . Therefore , universal accessories more suitable for conventional electricity providers , and special and require continuous maintenance products less suitable .

      Buy online auto parts prices may be relatively cheap, but consumers may not have the expertise to installation and maintenance , and most are unwilling to take over the 4S shop , because even provide consumers with product problems led to the accident , the installation will also bear the responsibility for links Therefore, there are few professional auto repair shop to take such risks. Another aspect , usually large auto parts , like tires, chassis , etc. These accessories are demanding standards for packaging , logistics and distribution companies profiled goods prices are quite high , auto electricity providers need to consider the logistics cost and unit profit problems.

In vehicle networking , for example, as it involves many industries, industrial development will lead to vehicle networking related traditional industries production business model changes, for the entire automotive industry chain parties have a significant impact . From the impact on the automotive industry 's perspective, car networking has changed the user needs, changing from a single concern over conditions for demand multi- vehicle hardware information available within the vehicle , while the vehicle will become the center of the development model to motorists as the center of attention the whole journey , to get motorists lifetime value ; from product supply business , the car will bring the perfect vehicle networking systems and car information in order to enhance the level and quality of services related ; from industrial organization perspective, automobile manufacturers and other industry chain collaboration and lengthen the overall main chain , enhance the value of automotive products , promote the automobile industry as a whole to upgrade and promote economic restructuring and upgrading . Look from the automotive service industry , by implementing vehicle networking functions, and build a new relationship between the main body of the car will reverse the traditional customer relationship management services maintenance mode.

      According Kero   Throttle Body  aware, from online to offline , for large customers and small customers Merchants never stopped. In addition, brand building distribution network also took a cool new track , recently received authority from the market after the Chinese automobile awarded " China 's auto market after the most influential e-commerce platform" award , at the same time , there have been international wind cast hope to work with .

      Auto electricity providers throughout the development , also need electric business platform built on the whole industry chain , to help solve the upstream sales , help middle and lower reaches of service, so that consumers recognize the Auto electricity supplier is able to provide a full service carrier chain .

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